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In Tekinawane, children must walk 7 miles to find water, which often is unfit for drinking.

A well was dug, down to a depth of 200 feet, without finding water. One had then either to keep digging or to undertake boring.

We financed a preliminary study (Rapport Sandao), which concluded that it was necessary to drill down to a depth of 1,500 feet.

The budget for such a piece of work is very important and this made us consider other solutions(see description in Hebdromadaire n°9 and following issues)

In Adjangafa, the well had collapsed and the nearest waterhole is 8 miles away in Tchintabaraden. We undertook to bore a new well and hit the underground water-level at a depth of 280 feet on 27 May 2009. Since then it has provided people and animals with drinking water.>

A 65-foot well was dug in Takat, 6 miles from Tekinawane.

A 220-foot well, for which we got help from the Belgian Cooperation in Niamey, is about to be completed in Intifirkit.

Work is about to start on a new well in Ississiman in October 2009.

The overall water-supply scheme for the area is outlined in the Hebdromadaire.

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